316 White Oak Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Tuesday - Friday: 9:30AM - 6PM
Saturday: 9:30AM - 5PM


Hair Restoration Services
Non-Surgical Hair Replacement is the solution towards gaining confidence back in your life. The Hair System looks and feels natural to the scalp and fits well within your natural hair. The Non-Surgical process are exclusive, and the results speak for themselves!
What is Hair Replacement?
Applying hair to a bald or thin area with a non-surgical procedure
There are three (3) different types of units
Polyurethane: Baldness
Mesh Unit: For thinning hair
Integration Chains: Holes on the basic of the unit
What are the common causes of hair loss?
Alopecia Aerate
Stress or Lifestyle
Poor Nutrition
Hereditary / Genetics
Hormonal Imbalance
Diseases & Illnesses
Chemical Hair Treatments
Hair Styles (Traction Alopecia)
Compulsive Hair Pulley (Trichotillomania)

Female Pattern Baldness
Hair is an important aspect of a woman's identity. Hair loss even in its most early stage can cause great emotional distress due in part to the social misconception that not many women lose their hair and that, unlike for men, noticeable hair loss is unacceptable. Both untruths make the subject of female hair loss a very sensitive topic for women to address.
Common Cause of Women Hair Loss?
Genetics and aging
Hormonal imbalance
Disease and illness
Chemical hair treatment
Hair styles (traction Alopecia)
Compulsive hair pulley (Trichotillomania)
Poor Nutrition
Male Pattern Baldness
The baldness typically begins at the hairline. The hair follicles that are most sensitive to DHT are located at the temples, the hairline, and the crown of the head. Male pattern baldness gets its name from the pattern of sensitive hair follicles. One of the first signs of male pattern baldness is the hairline begins to recede to form an "M" shape then what usually follows is the crown of the head begins to thin (whatever comes first). The existing hair becomes finer and shorter. The top of its true hairline eventually meets the thinned crown, leaving a horseshoe pattern of the hair around the sides of the head that continues to grow.